Daylily Glossary

Color Patterns Bloom Form Bloom Time Flower Size
Genetic Plant Height Plant Type  


Color Patterns

Bicolor - Petals and sepals are different colors.


Bitone - The petals and sepals differ in shade or intensity of the same basic color.


Blend - The flower is a blend of two or more colors


Dotted - Colors are crowded onto larger areas (also flecked, flaked, speckled, stippled)


Dusted - Color appears misted onto the surface.


Edged (or picoteed) - Edges of the flower segments are iether lighter or darker than the rest of the segment.


Eyed, eyezoned or banded - The flower has an area of displaying a different color (zone) between the throat and the tips of the flower.


Polychrome - The bloom segments have a mixture of three or more colors.


Tipped - The segment tips or the petal tips are a different or contrasting color than the body of the segment. 

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Bloom Form

Circular - The flower appears round. Segments sometimes overlap.


Double - The bloom has more than six segments. The extra segments may appear as a bloom within a bloom.


Flaring - The segments arch away from the throat, commonly found on blooms with a triangular front view.


Recurved - The bloom flares but the ends roll under.


Ruffled - There are ruffles along the edges of the bloom.


Spider - Flowers have very narrow petals and a spider-like form (Informal)


Star - Flower shaped like a three or six pointed star.


Trinagular- Viewed front-on, the flower segments form a triangle.


Trumpet - Segments ascend (rise) from the throat rather than the usual outward spread.

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Bloom time

Diurnal - open only during the day.


Nocturnal - open late in the afternoon and remain open all night.


Extended - blooms remain open at least 16 hours.


Extra Early (EE)- March to June, dependant upon hardiness zone.


Early (E) - Three to five weeks prior to the main bloom of midseason.


Early Midseason (EM) - One to three weeks prior to height of bloom season.


Midseason (M) - May to July depending on hardiness zone


Late Midseason (LM) - One to three weeks after peak of bloom season.


Late (L) - Four to six weeks after the peak of season.


Very Late (VL)- Last to bloom in late summer or early fall.


Rebloomer (Re)- Bloom more than once during a season.


Everblooming - Bloom repeatedly through the summer with little time between blooms.

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Flower size

Large - Bloom is 4" or more in diameter


Small - Bloom is 3" to 4" in diameter


Miniature - Bloom is less than 3" in diameter

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Tetraploid - Have two times the normal number of chromosomes. Have larger flowers, sturdier scapes and more intense colors than other daylilies


Diploid - Generally thought to be formed more attractively than tetraploid types, as well as having smaller but more numerous flowers.

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Plant height

Tall - The scapes are more than 36" high


Medium- The scapes are from 24" to 36" high.


Low - Scapes are 6 to 24" high.

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Plant Type

Dormant - The leaves die completely back as winter approaches, generally prefer colder climates.


Evergreen - Retain their leaves all year in mild climates.


Semi-evergreen- Retains leaves longer than dormant type, but not evergreen.

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